Tutto bene! Italian Art from the Marli Hoppe-Ritter Collection

16 October 2022 - 16 April 2023
Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch
Cubo. Espansione+ traslazione, 1987. Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch

Multispace Cube, 1987

The exhibition featuring works from the Museum’s collection is dedicated to Italy’s specific contribution to abstraction and non representational art, and takes a look at various currents and approaches that have helped shape developments over the past hundred years. Over 70 paintings, reliefs, objects and kinetic works give a sense of just how differently the principles of geometry and mathematics can be interpreted. Thus, freely composed, almost sign-like forms determined the painting of the Movimento d’arte concreta, while grids and serial structures set the works of the Arte programmata in vibration and motion.

Participating Artists:
Alighiero Boetti, Corrado Bonomi, Antonio Calderara, Enrico Castellani, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Fortunato Depero, Piero Dorazio, Paolo Masi, Marcello Morandini, Bruno Munari, Paolo Scirpa, Atanasio Soldati, Grazia Varisco, and Francesco Vezzoli.

Museum Ritter