Sculptural works

[…] Paolo Scirpa has conceived a shape recalling the concave mirror. He uses mobile metal elements, with dazzling brightness that reflects light in first place, and then generates a remote feeling of perfect form/idea, so perfect as to capture the sun and utilize it for the city’s necessities, as if science were a civil virtue. The circular-arc arches, mobile “segments” in his sculpture, give this work characteristics of constant change. The artist utilizes an initial, visible, complete and archetypal form – the concave circle, so similar to the disc of the sun whose “soul” he wishes to capture – and presents a physical, potentially infinite physical deterioration. Every segment is independent in its variable position. It is the archetypal form that precedes and looks ahead to the idealized, mental reconstruction of the work.[…]
Marco Meneguzzo, Milan, 2006

The theatre and its double, 2009. A variant. White lacquered wood, Ø 200 cm

The theatre and its double, 2009. Detail. White lacquered wood, Ø 200 cm

The theatre and its double, 2009. A variant. White lacquered wood, Ø 200 cm

The theatre and its double, 2009. Detail. White lacquered wood, diameter 200 cm

The theatre and its double, 2009. A variant. White lacquered wood, diameter 200 cm

The theatre and its double, 2009. White lacquered wood, diameter 200 cm

The theatre and its double, 2003. White marble, diameter 70 cm

Plastic and architectural planning, 1989. 29x45x53 cm + elliptical base

Plastic and architectural planning, 1989. 29x45x53 cm + elliptical base

Cubic labyrinth, 1998-2007. Iron, 100x100x100 cm

Cubic labyrinth, 1998-2007. Iron, 100x100x100 cm

Cubic labyrinth, 1998-2007. Iron, 100x100x100 cm

Cubic labyrinth, 1998. Project, 90×180 cm

Cubic labyrinth on mirror, 1998. Detail. White painted wood, 49x49x49 cm

Cubic labyrinth on mirror, 1998. Detail. White painted wood, 49x49x49 cm

Cubic labyrinth, 1998. White painted wood, 49x49x49 cm

Cubic labyrinth on mirror, 1996. Steel, 60x60x60 cm

Cubic labyrinth. Modular structure, 1996. Steel, 30x30x30 cm

The burning glass, 1987/2004. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

The burning glass, 1987/2004. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

The burning glass, 1987/2004. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

The burning glass, 1987/2004. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

The burning glass, 1987/2004. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

Starlight, 1987. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

Starlight, 1987. Steel, 70x70x70 cm

Sun-Habitat, 1971. Vacuum-packed plastic, 170x170x30 cm. Restoration 2013

Sun-Habitat, 1971. Vacuum-packed plastic, 170x170x30 cm

Plastic and geometric assemblage, 1970. Vacuum-packed plastic, 70x70x10 cm

Plastic and geometric assemblage, 1970. Vacuum-packed plastic, 70x70x10 cm

Cross-Habitat, 1965/1987. Bronze, 45x45x15 cm + base. Private collection

Cross-Habitat, 1965, Cement, 50x70x15 cm. Private collection

Cross-Habitat, 1965, Cement, 73x70x15 cm. Private collection